About Me

My HistoryMy name is Francis Edgar Moreno. I am originally from Loja, Ecuador. I am bilingual, and I currently work as a interpreter for a children's rehabilitation center.

I was a professional civil engineer when I lived in Ecuador, so I have several years of engineering experience under my belt. I have a great passion for building and fixing things (visit my hobbies page to view photos) and I am fascinated with new technology and software. In order to be up-to-date with new technology and techniques, I read PC World, Linda.com, and several other Engineering magazines.

Throughout my life, I have been characterized not only by being a good worker, getting along well with everyone I meet and having a great sense of humor, but I am also infamous for doing things the right way. I take the time to plan well so that I can produce outstanding results. In most cases, extra time planning also saves money, which in return, provides funds for additional small projects and happy clients.

I've always had a vocation to study, research and learn. I'm pretty sure I get this trait from my parents who were great role models to me and my four siblings. They not only taught us the importance of an education but they also taught us how to be honest, to work hard and to respect others.

My EducationThe Interdisciplinary Computer Aided Design Program at Austin Community College (ACC) has provided me skills in the following disciplines -- Civil, Mechanical, and Electronic Drafting. I also acquired 3D animation skills and had the opportunity to learn about the basic principles and techniques of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

The software I learned in school include AutoCAD 2011, Civil 3D 2011, ArcView 9.3, 3DS Max Design, Inventor 2011, ProEngineer Wildfire 4.0 and Mastercam X5. The software I have learned in my own free time include Adobe PhotoShop CS5, Adobe Premiere CS5, Solidworks 2010 and Revit Architectural 2011.

I am very determined in my studies and in everything that I do. While attending ACC, I worked full-time and still managed to keep a 4.0 GPA. I am honored to say that I was recently inducted to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and also was invited to be a member of ACC's Honors Program.

My GratitudeI would like to give special thanks to my teachers at ACC for filling me up with the knowledge to pursue new job opportunities, and to my wonderful wife -- for all the support and encouragement she has given me as I fulfill my educational goals. And last but not least, I'd like to thank my family in Ecuador -- thanks for all the phone calls full of love and encouragement.

I am looking forward to all the possibilities that are in store for me. Thank you, EVERYONE!